Pain Canada and its partners offer a wide range of continuing education opportunities to increase skills and knowledge on pain assessment and management among health care providers of all disciplines, and other interested professionals such as teachers and coaches. These programs, courses, webinars, and resources are evidence-based, informed by people with lived experience and free to access.
Pain Connect is a national platform where you can learn about and connect to chronic pain research taking place across Canada.
Text LinkPAIN+ CPN is a Knowledge Translation initiative of the Chronic Pain Network and is updated regularly to provide access to current best evidence from health care research to help inform health care professionals, individuals living with pain and caregivers.
Text LinkPain BC's new Find Help directory is designed to connect people across British Columbia with health care professionals who provide services to people with chronic pain. The directory includes a wide range of pain-related health services—from physiotherapy to mental health support—and features health care professionals and clinics that meet Pain BC’s inclusion criteria.
Text LinkSickKids offers a variety of pain related free online courses.
Text LinkThe Surgical Patient Optimization collaboration SPOC aims to improve assessment and management of these patients, which will in turn reduce adverse events, increase patient and caregiver satisfaction, and improve post-operative outcomes, and address the need for a coordinated approach to surgical patient prehabilitation in BC.
Text LinkBud Talks is an exciting new initiative by the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research at McMaster University and St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Their mission is to make understanding cannabis easy, approachable, and backed by science.
Text LinkThe Women’s Chronic Pain and Prescription Opioid Project developed a suite of sex, gender, equity, and trauma-informed resources for providers that reflect women’s lived and living experiences with chronic pain and prescription opioids. The Centre of Excellence for Women's Health interviewed and consulted with women who have used prescription opioids for chronic pain, in order to embed women’s experiences, opinions and recommendations into these resources for health care providers and educators, researchers, health system planners, and other women.
Text LinkIn this video, Lindsay Wolfson and Liv Schultz, two people who experience chronic pain from the Centre of Excellence of Women's Health, provide an overview of what was found in the literature and heard in interviews during the Women’s Chronic Pain and Prescription Opioid Project.
Text LinkThis document is a policy report that examines the research on sex and gender factors affecting chronic pain and applies SGBA+ to Health Canada's Action Plan for Pain in Canada.
Text LinkThis guide supports healthcare providers and other health and social service providers who work with women and gender diverse individuals living with chronic pain. It explores sex- and gender-related factors that impact chronic pain, information about women’s experiences with prescribed opioids, and opportunities to build upon comprehensive pain management strategies.
Text LinkThis information guide was designed by researchers and people with lived experience of chronic pain at the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, as part of a larger study on women’s chronic pain and prescription opioid use. The information included will help you learn more about women’s chronic pain and strategies for pain management to support your practice and facilitate trusting relationships with patients.
Text LinkThe Quebec Pain Research Network is offering various research support opportunities, including funding, recruitment, mentorship and many more as part of their Strategic Action Plan development.
Text LinkIf you’ve never worked with patient partners or caregivers in your research before (or even if you have!), the CPN Patient Engagement Committee and Network patient partners have some ideas for you to consider. In this, you will find the definition of Patient Engagement and some thoughts about the way you might work with us so that we may bring our lived experience to your research project as collaborators or partners.
Text LinkThe Quebec Pain Research Network shares publications on this page that highlight researchers, research advances as well as their activities and that of student researchers, making everything accessible to the general public.
Text LinkA free, self-paced online program for health care providers who want to support people living with pain to move with more ease.
Text LinkThis practical, compact course allows learners to develop clinically relevant approaches to chronic pain management and develop a strong grounding in pain science.
Text LinkDo you run or work in a community-based organization such as a recovery house, a community centre or a primary care clinic? Do you want to offer accessible pain self-management programs for the people with pain you serve? Through Pain Canada, organizations across the country can get support to run Making Sense of Pain (MSOP), an evidence-based, low barrier, pain self-management program, in their own settings. The ten-week program runs in a group format, teaching the fundamentals of pain science as well as practical skills that enhance well-being while living with pain.
Apply for funding support and training through Pain Canada
If you would like to offer MSOP in your organization but need financial support to do so, you can apply to Pain Canada for a subsidy. Subsidies are expected to be available in summer of 2022 for training and delivery in the fall.
Your role as a delivery site is to:
Pain Canada will provide all other required program materials.
Pain Canada-funded MSOP sites commit to running at least one more MSOP program cycle at your own cost after the initial funded program; once facilitators are trained, the costs for the program are minimal and limited to facilitator time, participant handbooks and other print materials, group refreshments and barrier-reducing supports like travel and childcare subsidies
Purchase training and program materials using your own resources
Organizations that have their own resources to pay for facilitator training, program materials, refreshments and travel and childcare-subsidies are encouraged to do so. Depending on the degree of consultative support needed to run the program, program costs range from $2,000 to $7,000.
Program materials covered by the fee include access to the self-directed facilitator training (a seven-hour online, self-paced program), and electronic files for participant handbooks, promotional materials and evaluation tools. The site is responsible for printing program materials.
If you would like to apply for financial support to be a MSOP delivery site or purchase the program for your clinic or organization, please contact us.