
Awareness and advocacy campaigns

Pain Canada’s public awareness and advocacy campaigns mobilize people with pain, organizations and institutions across Canada to draw attention to chronic pain and advocate for action to make pain a priority. Please join us to make your voice heard and drive action on pain in Canada.

Since we began in the summer of 2021, more than 500 people and organizations have participated in our campaigns, including more than 40 official campaign partner organizations, ranging from health associations, non-profits, unions, Indigenous organizations, and hospitals, and our messages calling for action on pain have received more than nine million impressions and reached nearly three million Canadians.

Campaign successes





2.7 million


9.4 million


*May 2021-March 2022

Election Action 2025 toolkit

Canadians are heading to the polls on April 28, 2025. This is a great opportunity to raise the issues and concerns that matter most to you. Use our nonpartisan election toolkit to raise the issue of pain with your candidates - and remind them that people living with pain are voters too!

Get the Election Action 2025 toolkit

National Pain Awareness Week toolkit

November 2-8, 2025 is National Pain Awareness Week, a time to raise awareness of chronic pain and its impact on the one in five people in Canada who live with it.

Get the National Pain Awareness Week toolkit

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